The Sherman Brimmer Family
Sherman Joseph Brimmer was born in Wisconsin in 1866. His father Ezra Brimmer was born in New York (or Illinois or Pennsylvania, depending on census), his mother Celia Dennis was born in Canada. Sherman’s grandmother, Marinda Rowley Brimmer was a direct descendant of two men who arrived in 1620 at Plymouth, Massachusetts on the Mayflower. Dolly Amanda Banta was born in Wisconsin in 1875. Sherman and Dolly married at Soldiers Grove, Wisconsin in February 1891. Sherm and Dolly made their home in Soldiers Grove for several years. Charlie, Sherm’s brother, had a store and Sherm had a blacksmith and repair business. Sherm was also the Village Marshall. Six sons and one daughter were born to Sherm & Dolly – the first son died at the age of two days.
In 1906, following a disastrous fire, then a flood, they made the decision to move to Wyoming. They traveled with their five children by train. The children remembered that their father let them ride in the box car with the animals and possessions, and when the railroad inspector came by they hid behind the blacksmith forge that they were bringing with them.
When they got to Wyoming they made their home on the divide between Blacktail and Whitetail Creeks. Sherman had a horse-powered threshing machine which was busy nearly every fall. The children went to country school when one was in session. Later the family moved to Hulett where he had a blacksmith shop and ran a filling station and garage.
Sherman died in 1944 at age 78. Dolly died at Deadwook in 1947.
Children –
Lyall Irvin married Iva May Butts, buried in Hulett Cemetery
Gerald Wiley married Edna Thorne
Loraine Cecil married Mary Sims (buried in Hulett Cemetery)
Freda married Arthur Roberts
Thaddious Gary married Rosabelle Conklin (buried in Hulett Cemetery)
Oren married Rosalie Cambell
Leal Calvin married Clara Lipsky (raised by Roy Bush’s)
Glen Sherman married Margaret Wallath
Marvin Leland married Edith Phipps (Chinese POW during Korean War)
Velma Gail married George Richards (buried in Hulett Cemetery)
Henry Vilas married Lynn Gray
Joseph Logan married/divorced Kathryn Page, married Frieda Oudin (buried in Mt Moriah)
Clarence Millard married/divorced Mabel Holben, married Ladema Brown
Sherman’s brother, Charlie Grant Brimmer was born in 1868 in Wisconsin, He married Lydia Warren in 1890. They came to Wyoming in 1908. Their brother Oliver John was born in 1870, married Nellie Jane Dupee in Wisconsin, buried at Hulett.
The brothers left a myriad of descendants scattered all over, including the local area.
Sherman Joseph Brimmer was born in Wisconsin in 1866. His father Ezra Brimmer was born in New York (or Illinois or Pennsylvania, depending on census), his mother Celia Dennis was born in Canada. Sherman’s grandmother, Marinda Rowley Brimmer was a direct descendant of two men who arrived in 1620 at Plymouth, Massachusetts on the Mayflower. Dolly Amanda Banta was born in Wisconsin in 1875. Sherman and Dolly married at Soldiers Grove, Wisconsin in February 1891. Sherm and Dolly made their home in Soldiers Grove for several years. Charlie, Sherm’s brother, had a store and Sherm had a blacksmith and repair business. Sherm was also the Village Marshall. Six sons and one daughter were born to Sherm & Dolly – the first son died at the age of two days.
In 1906, following a disastrous fire, then a flood, they made the decision to move to Wyoming. They traveled with their five children by train. The children remembered that their father let them ride in the box car with the animals and possessions, and when the railroad inspector came by they hid behind the blacksmith forge that they were bringing with them.
When they got to Wyoming they made their home on the divide between Blacktail and Whitetail Creeks. Sherman had a horse-powered threshing machine which was busy nearly every fall. The children went to country school when one was in session. Later the family moved to Hulett where he had a blacksmith shop and ran a filling station and garage.
Sherman died in 1944 at age 78. Dolly died at Deadwook in 1947.
Children –
Lyall Irvin married Iva May Butts, buried in Hulett Cemetery
Gerald Wiley married Edna Thorne
Loraine Cecil married Mary Sims (buried in Hulett Cemetery)
Freda married Arthur Roberts
Thaddious Gary married Rosabelle Conklin (buried in Hulett Cemetery)
Oren married Rosalie Cambell
Leal Calvin married Clara Lipsky (raised by Roy Bush’s)
Glen Sherman married Margaret Wallath
Marvin Leland married Edith Phipps (Chinese POW during Korean War)
Velma Gail married George Richards (buried in Hulett Cemetery)
Henry Vilas married Lynn Gray
Joseph Logan married/divorced Kathryn Page, married Frieda Oudin (buried in Mt Moriah)
Clarence Millard married/divorced Mabel Holben, married Ladema Brown
Sherman’s brother, Charlie Grant Brimmer was born in 1868 in Wisconsin, He married Lydia Warren in 1890. They came to Wyoming in 1908. Their brother Oliver John was born in 1870, married Nellie Jane Dupee in Wisconsin, buried at Hulett.
The brothers left a myriad of descendants scattered all over, including the local area.